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Villa The Cloud Bali

Indonesien, Bali, Tabanan


Die absolut fantastische Architektur der Villa besteht aus 5 riesigen Formen, die einen Innenraum mit Wohnzimmer, Küche, Essbereich und 3 Schlafzimmern bilden. Villa The Cloud Bali ist wie eine große weiße schwebende Wolke, die sich im türkisfarbenen Wasser des Infinity-Pools spiegelt, im Garten der Villa befindet sich eine große Fläche, ausgelegt für Hochzeiten, Mode und andere Events, für die mehr als 50 Gäste kommen die Party.

Die anmutige Treppe, die sich wie ein Vogel erhebt, bringt Sie zum Hauptschlafzimmer, das einen herrlichen Blick auf den Indischen Ozean bietet. Die Kugelform des Innenraums schafft ein außergewöhnliches Gefühl von Harmonie und Ruhe. Ein riesiges Doppelbett, Lounge-Zone mit Stühlen aus altem Teakholz, Kunstobjekte aus Onyx, Nachttische aus 15 Mio Autoren des Projekts machen die Atmosphäre des Schlafzimmers wirklich einzigartig.

Die anderen beiden Schlafzimmer befinden sich im Erdgeschoss der Villa und bieten ungewöhnlich große Fenster mit Blick auf Themengärten und private Terrassen. In einem der Schlafzimmer Kunstwerke, die von der Natur selbst und den Autoren des Projekts geschaffen wurden - Ankleidezimmer und ein Badezimmer aus der Wurzel eines riesigen Baumes werden in Form von Skulpturen, die an die fantastische Blume erinnern.

Alle Innenteile sind aus verschiedenen Arten von Naturmarmor und edlem Massivholz gefertigt. Futuristisches Design und Architektur runden den Service der Extraklasse ab. Mit Concierge-Manager, komplettem Housekeeping, Butler und Restaurant. Einzigartiges Spa-Menü, das in einem raffinierten Konzept-Boutique-Hotel Sensation kreiert wurde.

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Indonesien, Bali, Tabanan

Orte in der Nähe

Strand 150m
Restaurant 400 m
Supermarkt 4km
Flughafen 30 km
Hafen 30 km

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Was die Gäste sagen

Bewertungen: 10 / 10

Villa The Cloud Bali

Indonesien, Bali, Tabanan

Alle Bewertungen

Elena L.
May 2024

Unique Journey

unique journey. We stayed at the villa and had a family party. Here's what I'll tell you - The Cloud Villa is a journey into such a space of Beauty and harmony that the feelings inside become harmonious - a feeling of joy, tranquility and aesthetic celebration…
unique journey. We stayed at the villa and had a family party. Here's what I'll tell you - The Cloud Villa is a journey into such a space of Beauty and harmony that the feelings inside become harmonious - a feeling of joy, tranquility and aesthetic celebration. It also feels like every detail is created with love. How delightful the music sounds inside - because the round shapes of the villa create surround sound. Beautiful views of the rice fields and palm grove, as well as proximity to the ocean and ocean views from the second floor - all together it's magic. There is also a separate professional kitchen building and the villa has everything provided for events. Lovely villa staff - all smiling and anticipating your wishes. The manager arranged a romantic dinner for us. Also, the villa staff organized a trip to the royal palace, which is only a 10-minute drive from the villa. Purity and beauty in everything.
Oct 2020


Design is amaaaaazing . Good & nice staff Good near to sea . Good for family . Delicious food
Sep 2020


1、早餐分量很足,美式、印尼早餐都很丰富,味道也非常好。因为早餐分量特别多,我们基本上都不用吃午餐,可以直接微信管家NaNo点早、晚餐,猪排和羊排特别好吃,早晚餐都能按我们的要求送到别墅的餐厅用餐。 2、别墅的设计非常漂亮,极简主义的室内装潢让人眼前一亮,室内处处都体现了艺术的美感,泳池也很大很干净。 3、客房服务很棒,管家NaNo微信回复我很及时,有任何需求都能及时满足我们,客房服务的几位当地姑娘态度也非常好! 4、酒店在塔巴南的海边,位置比较偏,但是紧邻海边,因火山喷发等原因形成了独特的黑沙滩,在阳光下闪闪发光,非常独特。…
1、早餐分量很足,美式、印尼早餐都很丰富,味道也非常好。因为早餐分量特别多,我们基本上都不用吃午餐,可以直接微信管家NaNo点早、晚餐,猪排和羊排特别好吃,早晚餐都能按我们的要求送到别墅的餐厅用餐。 2、别墅的设计非常漂亮,极简主义的室内装潢让人眼前一亮,室内处处都体现了艺术的美感,泳池也很大很干净。 3、客房服务很棒,管家NaNo微信回复我很及时,有任何需求都能及时满足我们,客房服务的几位当地姑娘态度也非常好! 4、酒店在塔巴南的海边,位置比较偏,但是紧邻海边,因火山喷发等原因形成了独特的黑沙滩,在阳光下闪闪发光,非常独特。
Nov 2019

Super Villa! This is the best Villa we stayed in Bali!

Super Villa! This is the best Villa we stayed in Bali!
Oct 2019

Would highly recommend!

The villa itself was a great space and was ideal for relaxing after a day out exploring what Bali had to offer. The privacy and setting was beautiful, the staff were so friendly and accommodating. Would highly recommend!
Sep 2019

I already dream to return here again!

Nice! The price not high for this kind of villa. Amazing design and very comfy space. I already dream to return here again!
Sep 2019

Amazing vibe! Highly recommended!

Excellent Villa with an unusual design, very comfortable and beautiful. Great location - on the ocean, in a quiet place. Amazing vibe! Highly recommended!
Sep 2019

It was fantastic rest!

It was fantastic rest! Very friendly and helpful staff. The Villa is very comfortable, clean and located right on the ocean. We really enjoyed!
Mar 2019

Moradia de luxo

Grande, limpa e muito bonita moradia. Também é perceptível que ela quase nova. Nós gostei do local - um lugar tranquilo, mas proporciona um acesso fácil às mais belas praias de Bali.
Mar 2019

Very beautiful

Excellent villa for hang out by big company - a lot of space inside and outside. I liked also its design - modern, but with a lot of balinese details.
Mar 2019


Villa has very pleasant vibe - it very clean, spacious and good decorated. It locate between the best beaches of Bali - nusa dua, pandawa, balangan, dreamland and so on.
Mar 2019

Perfect for holiday

Villa was really very clean and is taken care of. We didnt go out much, because staying in the villa gives you such an enjoyable relaxation. In addition host were very friendly and attentive.
Elena L.
May 2024

Unique Journey

10 / 10

unique journey. We stayed at the villa and had a family party. Here's what I'll tell you - The Cloud Villa is a journey into such a space of Beauty and harmony that the feelings inside become harmonious - a feeling of joy, tranquility and aesthetic celebration. It also feels like every detail is created with love. How delightful the music sounds inside…
unique journey. We stayed at the villa and had a family party. Here's what I'll tell you - The Cloud Villa is a journey into such a space of Beauty and harmony that the feelings inside become harmonious - a feeling of joy, tranquility and aesthetic celebration. It also feels like every detail is created with love. How delightful the music sounds inside - because the round shapes of the villa create surround sound. Beautiful views of the rice fields and palm grove, as well as proximity to the ocean and ocean views from the second floor - all together it's magic. There is also a separate professional kitchen building and the villa has everything provided for events. Lovely villa staff - all smiling and anticipating your wishes. The manager arranged a romantic dinner for us. Also, the villa staff organized a trip to the royal palace, which is only a 10-minute drive from the villa. Purity and beauty in everything.
weniger lesen...
Oct 2020


10 / 10

Design is amaaaaazing . Good & nice staff Good near to sea . Good for family . Delicious food
Sep 2020


10 / 10

1、早餐分量很足,美式、印尼早餐都很丰富,味道也非常好。因为早餐分量特别多,我们基本上都不用吃午餐,可以直接微信管家NaNo点早、晚餐,猪排和羊排特别好吃,早晚餐都能按我们的要求送到别墅的餐厅用餐。 2、别墅的设计非常漂亮,极简主义的室内装潢让人眼前一亮,室内处处都体现了艺术的美感,泳池也很大很干净。 3、客房服务很棒,管家NaNo微信回复我很及时,有任何需求都能及时满足我们,客房服务的几位当地姑娘态度也非常好! 4、酒店在塔巴南的海边,位置比较偏,但是紧邻海边,因火山喷发等原因形成了独特的黑沙滩,在阳光下闪闪发光,非常独特。…
1、早餐分量很足,美式、印尼早餐都很丰富,味道也非常好。因为早餐分量特别多,我们基本上都不用吃午餐,可以直接微信管家NaNo点早、晚餐,猪排和羊排特别好吃,早晚餐都能按我们的要求送到别墅的餐厅用餐。 2、别墅的设计非常漂亮,极简主义的室内装潢让人眼前一亮,室内处处都体现了艺术的美感,泳池也很大很干净。 3、客房服务很棒,管家NaNo微信回复我很及时,有任何需求都能及时满足我们,客房服务的几位当地姑娘态度也非常好! 4、酒店在塔巴南的海边,位置比较偏,但是紧邻海边,因火山喷发等原因形成了独特的黑沙滩,在阳光下闪闪发光,非常独特。
weniger lesen...
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