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Florence Area

Florence is an open-air exhibit of art and culture, known worldwide as the heart of the Renaissance, and the home of fine art and literature. Signature examples include Filippo Brunelleschi’s Duomo and Michelangelo’s timeless statue of David, arguably the most recognizable benchmarks of western culture to date. The romantic Ponte Vecchio, one of Europe’s last fully stone bridges, gives Florence the notoriety it deserves and a very unique flair. The vision of Renaissance men and thinkers including Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, or Dante Alighieri had a great impact and changed our literally and visual world forever, and Florence is the city where it all began: in fact, Florence gave birth to the Renaissance.

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Blessed with beauty, wine, and an unparalleled artistic legacy, concentrating a large percentage of the global artistic heritage with world-class art than many entire countries, Tuscany is a region that largely lives up to its fame. The Uffizi or the Opera del Duomo Museum are some of the most beautiful artistic journeys one might wish for, while a stroll through the Boboli Gardens is a continuous discovery and revelation of natural beauty. The Florentine area is home to the wonderful Medici Villas – designated UNESCO World Heritage Sites – unique castles, abbeys, magical forests, charming hills and priceless museums. Florence is the treasure chest of priceless heritage to be explored on foot or by bike, passing through art-filled landscapes.

Its painting-like rolling landscape has determined rural chic, making Florence area a favorite destination for food and wine lovers, not to exclude Renaissance art ones. Hills outlined by endless rows of cypress trees, majestic castles, thermal spa towns, Lilliputian medieval villages lost amidst olive groves, compose an idyllic region that also features gorgeous emerald green seaside such as Maremma and Argentario, as well as dramatic mountains. From the fashionable Mediterranean coast to the marble mountains of Carrara, the chestnut forests of the Apennines, the Natural parks with lakes, canyons, thermal springs and grottoes, the Renaissance villas, olive groves and vines, Tuscany is a fantastic place to visit all year round. Do not miss a visit to the Vallombrosa Forest with its centuries-old trees. Also worth visiting are the hilly landscape around Rufina with endless vineyards; also the hills of Fiesole, which, just above Florence, conserve a magnificent Roman amphitheater. Local crafts couldn’t have minor position; florentine craftsmanship is famous world-round for leather, gold and wood all shaped with thrilling perfection.

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Suite Medici Loft Florence - Italy, Tuscany, Florence Area
On Request

Suite Medici Loft Florence

Florence Area

Villa Rosetta Tuscany - Italy, Tuscany, Florence Area
On Request

Villa Rosetta Tuscany

Florence Area

Villa del Signorino Tuscany - Italy, Tuscany, Florence Area
On Request

Villa del Signorino Tuscany

Florence Area

Villa Bettina Tuscany - Italy, Tuscany, Florence Area

Villa Bettina Tuscany

Florence Area

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